

We believe the Bible sets forth two offices for church leadership: elders and deacons. The Bible teaches that elders must be men and must be able to teach (1 Tim. 3:1-12, Ti. 1:5-9). Our congregation has entrusted these men to lead, guard the doctrine and life of, and be examples to our church as “undershepherds” (1 Pt. 5:1-4, Heb. 13:7-9, 17).

Josh Barrett, Elder of Administration

(Wendi, Jubilee)

“I work for a consulting firm as a civil engineer. Wendi and I have been part of the church since its beginning. I’ve been an elder since 2015 and lead a Bible Study on Sunday mornings. We consider our LifeGroup as family.


 Favorite Verse(s): Romans 8:26


Interests: Spending time with my wife and daughter, Crossfit, playing bass guitar with the worship team, and hunting


Dean Christian, Elder of Outreach


Dean is happily married to Catherine, and they have four grown children and two grandchildren. He owns a painting company (Dean’s Custom Painting) and works as a realtor in the CenLa area. He is passionate about outreach, and he is grateful to help lead Wardville Community Church to reach the community of Wardville. 


 Favorite Verse(s): Lamentations 3:22-23; Colossians 2:6-8


Interests: Catherine, kids and grandkids, reading, business and working, training young men, and sports


Kevin Williams, Elder of Worship

(Roni, Annabelle, Evangeline, Madelyn)

I have been involved in ministry through corporate worship ever since I was a kid. I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve at WCC and lead the church in worship every week. My task is very simple: point our church to Jesus and the power of the Gospel applied to their lives. I’ve been married to Roni for 16 years and we have three girls.


Favorite Verse(s): Psalm 40:1-3 (the gospel represented in a few verses)


Interests: Reading, music, movies, and spending time with my girls

Zach Mullis, Elder of Teaching and Vision

(Emillie, Eliza, Annie Jane, John, and Felicity)

“My family moved to Louisiana from North Carolina in January of 2017. We are honored to be part of the WCC family and are often in awe of how faithful the Lord is to care for His church in every season. My great passion is to see the Word of God take root and bear much fruit among the people of God to the glory of God!”


Favorite Verse(s): 1 Cor. 15:1-3; Col. 1:15-20; Heb. 1:1-4; Phil. 2:1-10; Prov. 1:7


Interests: Reading, running, golf, gardening, and music

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